Observation 5 - Context is King and the Executive and Board set the Context
“The last thing a fish notices is the water it swims in” ~ Ralph Linton I love this quote. Every time I read it I have a little internal giggle. Water has a massive influence on the fish. Here are some reasons why: Evolution: During hundreds of millions of years of evolution, so much of it was likely focused on how to thrive in water. Water quality: Many parts of the world have modern-day issues with water pollution. If a fish lives in polluted water, its "quality of life" is significantly reduced. At its worst, the polluted water will kill the fish. While the fish doesn't notice the water, it sets the context for what makes a fish a fish. When Linton wrote this quote, he was using the relationship between the fish and the water as a metaphor for the unseen influence of institutions on citizens and society. To change society or how citizens think and act (positive or negative), change the institutions as they set the context in which society exists. The metaphor also w...