Observation 2 - Our traditional delivery methods assume a stable knowable environment

 Our world is changing and changing fast.  Despite this the way we deliver change assumes that they environment is stable and knowable in detail to enable accurate planning. 

Most organisations, particularly "analogue" organisations deliver change through traditional waterfall methods (eg  PMI or Prince 2), led through a central PMO or perhaps a "transformation team" and require an upfront approval in the form of a business case that specifies scope, task, resources, cost and sometimes benefits.  

I define an analogue organisation as one that was established and matured it's business model before the internet was a significant commercial reality aka early 1990's or before.

The core assumption of waterfall methodologies is that the project is knowable and can be planned in detail and with certainty.  If this assumption is correct then once approved all we have to do is complete the tasks as planned and project success is more or less guaranteed.  This approach maybe fine for repeatable tasks or projects, that is projects:
  • that have been done many times before and this project is exactly the same, meaning we can create a detailed plan based off of evidence from previous deliveries
  • where there are no assumptions because we have detailed proven data and evidence 

and of course where the environment we are delivering into is stable. 

These conditions don't exist and they particularly don't exist for organisational change.  Never does an organisation deliver the same change in the same environment.  Each "project" is unique and because it is unique it is not genuinely repeatable.  Add to that the changing environment and that our most strategically important projects are often large and complex and almost always take at a year and can easily take 2 years or more to complete is it any wonder that many projects fail? 

A word on agile.  As I write this I can hear a number of you saying that's why we need to adopt agile practices.  Maybe that's true, agile certainly does a better job at encouraging shorter cycles making the change from start to "go live" more manageable and the introduce flexibility in how scope is managed that are probably more appropriate for a changing world than traditional large project methods.  They are no panacea however as they can cause other issues including weak governance and incompatibility with our preferred contracting methods.  Besides what many organisation's call agile is waterfall rebadged or at best "wagile", a blend of agile and waterfall.

To illustrate, I have been exposed to a number of software implementations where the software provider and implementation partner have trumpeted there use of agile methods as their approach to implementation.  When you push past the marketing campaign that "we use agile" the reality is quite different.  When they say they are agile what they almost always mean is:
  • traditional waterfall based requirements gathering, project scoping and sizing
  • development of requirements by the vendor development team through "agile cycles".
  • development of requirements not directly controlled by the vendor are delivered through traditional waterfall methods
  • waterfall based testing which begins when development is complete (ie not by cycle)
  • one off / one chance training for end users
  • and a go live that concludes the project with limited ability (budget and time) to adjust

How long do these projects take until they go live?  Anywhere from 9 months to 2 years.  Not really agile in the dictionary terms and consequently they suffer from many of the same issues.  Where it comes to software package implementations I have yet to see a genuine agile implementation.

There we have observation 2, our change methods assume stability and assumptions of stability in an environment that is changing faster than ever is a bad mix.

I am interested in your views, particularly as it relates to wagile or more "pure" agile methods.

In the next blog - Our understanding of how innovation typically happens is wrong.


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